Mathew and robyn young
We have been married and in ministry for 20+ years. We started in Children’s ministry and God transitioned us to lead pastors in 2015 and in August 2022 we were called to Faith Chapel Pleasanton. We have been blessed with 7 wonderful children: Luke, Mark, Annie, Kristina, Olivia, Phebe, and Titus. They are a blessing from the Lord and have a heart and desire to serve Jesus with gladness making them a great help in ministry. With this crew there is bound to be humor and fun in every moment of ministry. Robyn and I believe serving God should be fun, exciting, and life changing. Every moment is a new chance to get closer to God as Real Love meets Real People.

Children’s Pastor /
Worship Leader
Annie Young
Called to ministry early in life Pastor Annie has had several opportunities to work with and be trained by phenomenal children’s ministry leaders. She truly enjoys sharing with children the joy she has experienced in knowing Christ her whole life. She considers it her calling and great joy! Children with a heart that will never waiver is the Goal. Training them up to know and always serve God (Prov. 22:6). Scripture invites worship of the Father, and we believe that worship is not about the old or the new but rather requires spirit and truth. It is a heart that seeks after God with an eclectic blend of timeless compositions of music we can worship together. Worship is more than just an experience; it is a lifestyle.
“Christianity is more than just coming to church; it is about getting to know Jesus.”

Women’s Ministry Leader
Robyn Young
Robyn was Born in Stillwater, OK and has a genuine heart that touches and changes lives for God. This is the goal of all we do in ministry. She believes wholeheartedly learning from God to love others and ourselves as well as getting to know each other is key to true service of our Father.
“Spiritual growth happens daily!”
Our Core Values

Discipleship Happens By Intent
Discipleship happens by intent
Intent on learning to Love God, Love People, and Connect with the Community in a Real way. Only then can we truly Worship and Grow in God together.
Loving God
John 8:12 – Jesus gave us the command to follow Him, to give up our way and follow His way. The best part of that is that He is calling us out of darkness into the light and now we no longer have to stumble through life because His truth leads the way for us. His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
Loving People
Matthew 20:25-28 – We believe that we don’t have to serve, but we get to serve. This is not something we do begrudgingly, this is something we do joyfully. God has called us to love Him and love people, the best way to show love for others is to serve them.
Connecting with Community
Connecting with Community
Acts 2:42-46 – One thing that we thrive for here is to be family, to do life together, not just meet on Sundays and Wednesdays. We want to be in each other’s homes, care for one another when we are struggling, and laugh and have fun with each other. Family is what we are.
Worshiping & Growing in God Together
Worshiping & Growing in God Together
Matthew 5:16 – We have all been commissioned to be witnesses for the Lord. The question is, why wouldn’t we want to share God with others? He is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to us. Let’s make heaven crowded and share Jesus with all we meet.
16 Fundamental Truths
- The Scriptures Inspired
- The One True God
- The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Fall of Man
- The Salvation of Man
- The Ordinances of the Church
- The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
- The Initial Evidence of the Baptism
in the Holy Spirit
- Sanctification
- The Church and Its Mission
- The Ministry
- Divine Healing
- The Blessed Hope
- The Millenial Reign of Christ
- The Final Judgment
- The New Heavens and the
New Earth